Unity Packages

While we’re waiting for Unity to open their package manager to community-generated packages…

Want to create your own Unity packages?

Use unity-npm-utils to create and manage Unity packages that install with their dependencies to your Unity project, using standard npm install.

Aside from providing a ready-to-use package manager for Unity, adopting unity-npm-utils now should make your transition to Unity’s own package manager easier in the future.

Looking for existing Unity packages?

The Unity packages in BeatThat solve common problems so you’ll have more time to focus on your game. BeatThat includes over 90 Unity packages. Many address application problems like building data-driven UIs and interacting with servers. Some highlights are listed below.

Binding Behaviours Permalink

You have a component on a GameObject that attaches itself to an event, and at some point that component will be deactiveated or destroyed. Binding behaviours...

Comments Permalink

Attach comments directly to the GameObjects in your scene to answer ‘what?’ and ‘why?’ questions about your scene set up.

Defines Permalink

Make the define symbols your Unity projects and packages discoverable and easy to enable/disable with an editor window.

Entities Permalink

Need to manage a collection of data items, like say, downloadable songs for a music app? Entities make it easy.

Pools Permalink

Trying to reduce allocations to minimize garbage-collection performance problems? Use pools, especially for collections

Safe Refs Permalink

When components keep references to other components, it’s easy to end up with null pointer problems. SafeRefs are a simple way to always know whether a compo...

Services Permalink

Make any class a global singleton just by adding a [RegisterService] attribute. Then use it from anywhere with lookup functions that accept either the main t...

Transform Path Ext Permalink

Helps you debug which GameObject is the source of a problem or behavior, by generating the full path to the GameObject.

Make iOS App Launchable Permalink

Makes your Unity iOS app launchable via a url scheme. By default, sets the url scheme to be the fully qualified product name, e.g. com.yourcompany.yourapp.