Dependency Injection

Populate a property in any class with a registered singleton using the [Inject] attribute.

First make sure you have the dependency-injection package installed:

npm init --force # only if you don't yet have a package.json file
npm install --save beatthat/dependency-injection

…then you can register any class as a singleton service like this:

using BeatThat.Service;
[RegisterService] // triggers Services to instantiate and register this class
public class Foo : MonoBehaviour, Bar
// implementation

…and you inject it to any class like this:

using BeatThat.DependencyInjection;
public class MyComponent : DependencyInjectedBehaviour
  [Inject] Foo foo;

…or you can also inject by interface

using BeatThat.DependencyInjection;
public class MyComponent : DependencyInjectedBehaviour
  [Inject] Bar bar; // since Foo implements Bar, generally better to injected the narrowest interface needed

…the DependencyInjectedBehaviour base class triggers injection for you, but you don’t have to use it. This would also work:

using BeatThat.DependencyInjection;
public class MyComponent : MonoBehaviour
  [Inject] Bar bar;
  void Start()

For code and documentation see dependency-injection.